Get Customers to RESPOND Automatically

I’m going to show you the sales followup sequence that helped me close deals quickly & efficiently without ever feeling needy.

I stole some of these tactics from my friend Lucas (ex-Salesforce Sales team). Salesforce used to pay a guru $500K PER DAY to teach him this stuff.

Not nailing it stunts your growth, or has your Sales team endlessly chasing dead pipelines while they’re wasting investor capital.

But getting it right means the numbers start to get big, and fast.

But unfortunately, most founders are wasting their time NOT closing deals because they never realized this:

Tactical automated follow-ups are the difference between closing a sale, and never growing.

You’ve probably wanted to implement this yourself, but you’re like:

  • “I’m not a sales expert”
  • “I don’t know what to write, it just sounds needy”
  • “It’s just too much work”
  • “I feel like there’s too much to personalize”

Don’t worry, you’re not gonna need to integrate ChatGPT with 15 different custom prompts. I originally built this automation in about 2 hours. [I personally use ActiveCampaign and this sequence has supported several million dollars in closed business, but you can use any CRM.]

And here's how to do it, simple & step by step:

T = 0, you / someone from your Sales team did a quick Intro Call. Needs established, they’re a solid prospect. Quote sent on T = 0.

The first message you’ll send:

T + 2 days: Is this project going forward?

Subj: 🚩 RE: Hey Melanie - Project.
Email: Hey Melanie - is this going forward? -Evan

It’s simple. It’s effective. It applies to basically every situation, and the entire message shows up on a message preview notification.

Adapt it to you, just don’t add a ton of crap to it because you’ll water it down.

Keep customization (aka: personalization / dynamic tags) to the absolute minimum.

After that, hit them with:

T + 3 days: Plate’s full - let me know

Never forget that your time is valuable.

Double down on the scarcity you primed them with from the intro call.

Subj: Re: Hey Melanie - Project.
Email: Just checking in on this, plate's @ 90% over the next couple weeks, let's rock n roll -Evan

You’re busy, whether it’s with them or with someone else.

Then, we wait. Until…

T + 4 weeks: Closing my file on you

This is the consummate “sh*t-or-get-off-the-pot” follow-up.

Subj: Closing File.
Email: Hi Melanie, Given I have yet to hear from you over X timeframe, at this point I’m going to assume our engagement is no longer of strategic interest and will close your file immediately. Thank you, Evan

If you think it’s a little aggressive, it is… but maybe your deal just fell through the cracks, and that’s all good.

Because here’s where they’ll pick up the ball.

Or they won’t - and you can stop beating dead horses and just move on. A pipeline full of dead leads is garbage anyway.

Making It Work for You

Implement this as an automation, and you can stop with the sales follow-ups (kind of permanently).

Keep it simple. The guy who’s guilty talks a mile a minute. The innocent one says 4 words & shuts up.

Make sure:

  • When they respond, stop the sequence
  • Ask about that cadence & decision process in your Intro Calls, so that you can
  • Match your immediate follow-up cadence to their decision timeframe (no one is making a $10M capex purchase within 2 days of Quote Received)

Don’t change your messaging midway, or you’ll look needy & insecure.

Instead, stay congruent throughout the entire process; you gotta start the same way as you’ll end - confidently.

There are 4 ways I can help you:

01. Oversubscribed Weekly Newsletter — Every Saturday morning, I share practical guidance to help you pitch better & raise capital faster.

02. Deep-dive Digital Courses for Founders — Self-paced courses teaching you to overhaul your pitch, find investors & get funded faster.

03. 1-on-1 Capital Raise Coaching (Series A min) — See if it’s a fit to work directly with me on your capital raise strategy.

04. Promote Your Business to 1K+ Weekly Readers — Want to grow your audience, subscribers, or customer base? Showcase your brand inside of my newsletter.
[ I'll help you build the confidence you need ]

Confidence in your


